OurPaStorySampler - page 19

Our Pennsylvania Story
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Our State Government
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1. government
2. national
3. capital
4. capitol
5. Governor
6. senators
9. representatives 10. judges
What is
? In our country, we have a
government for the nation,
or country. Then, each state has a state government. Our national government is run in
our nation’s
inWashington, DC. Our state’s government is run in our state’s
capital inHarrisburg.
Government is a group of elected peoplewhomake rules for all the other people.
Government also provides us with themany services we need to live, such as water,
electricity, and schools.
The rules, or laws, for Pennsylvania aremade in the State
buildings. Some
people have stated that the Capitol buildings
are the prettiest in our country. The United
States Flag and the State Flag fly above the
The leader of our state is called the
. The Governor of Pennsylvania has
an office in themain Capitol building. The
people of the state elect the Governor every
four years.
There are two groups of peoplewhomake
the laws in our state. There are 50 people in
one group called the Senate. These people are
. There are 203 people in the
other group called the House of
Representatives. These people are called
. All of these people are
elected by the voters of the state.
One other group of people helps to run our
state government. They are called
Judges are in charge of our courts. Our courts
help to explain themeaning of the laws.
ThomasMifflinwas elected as the first
governor of the state of Pennsylvania.
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